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새아리랑 영어 공부 하자/미드: Disenchantment 1

Disenchantment S01 E05 대본 공부

by 새아리 2019. 10. 9.

1. on account of something = because of something

es) I didn't get a lot of sleep on account of my bed being a granite slab.(화강암 판)

2. Read a room (= read the table) 분위기를 읽다

: to understand the emotion and thoughts of people in the room.

 ex) You have got to learn to read a room.

3. Heathen : 이단, 이도교, 비 종교인

a person who doesn't belong to a widely held religion as regarded by those who do.

 ex) Sisters, do not do distracted by this heathen.

4. Rejoice 크게 기뻐하다

 ex) Our soup of the day is hot dog water, and for that, let us rejoice.

5. wretched 가엾은, 불쌍한, 불행한, 비참한

 ex) Humanity's a wretched lot.

6. Unholy : 불경스러운, 성스럽지 못한

7. Slurping (후루룩마시는) 홀짝거리는 소리

 ex) Who is angering God with their unholy slurping?

8. I've lost track. 나 놓쳤어.

-> To no longer know where someone is of what is happening.

 ex1) I've lost track of what she's doing now.

 ex2) What he was saying was so complicated that I lost track after the first couple of sentences.

 ex3)I've lost track of the number of times he's asked me to lend him money.

9. See fit : ~ 하는 것이 맞다고 보다, (옳은 일이거나 필요해서)~ 하기로 결정 하다

 ex) We are praying that God might see fit to help the poor.

 우리는 신이 가난한 이들을 굽어 살피시기를 기도하고 있어.

10. Middleman : 중간 소매상(유통업자)

 ex) If you want to help them, why not just melt this God guy down and pass him out like coins? Cut out the middleman, right guys?

11. Blasphemer 신성모독자

-> One who commits blasphemy(신성모독)

-> One who mocks or derides(비웃다) a deity(신) or religion or claims to be god.

12. I don't know what's gotten into her. 대체 무슨 생각인지, 원

13. nun 수녀, 여승

14. haunt : 뇌리에 계속 떠오르다, (생각, 소문, 느낌 등이) 따라다니다

 ex) It came back to haunt me!

15. Thereof (앞에 언급된) 그것의

 ex) This ain't about my impulse control. - Or lack thereof, tubby.

16. Pampered : 제멋대로 하는, 오만 방자한

 ->indulge(마음껏 하다) with every attention, comfort and kindness.

17. Layabout 게으름 뱅이

 ex) You're a pampered, irresponsible layabout!

18. Banish : 추방하다

->Send someone away from a country or place as an official punishment.

 ex) 'Cause I'm banishing you from the castle.

19. I can make it on my own. 나 혼자서도 할 수 있어!

20. Go off : explode or fire (=detonate, blow up, burst, erupt)

 ex) Now it goes off? 왜 이제 나와? (귀에 연기)

21. Degenerate : 퇴화하다, 타락하다 ->an immoral or corrupt person

 ex) I can't believe he called you a worthless, bucktoothed degenerate.

22. It doesn't make it any less true. 사실이긴 하잖아.

23. Strumpet 매춘부

    Stay off 삼가다, 멀리하다 (=keep off, keep away from, avoid) → refrain from entering or walking on to

 ex) I told you strumpets to stay off me block.

24. Far too = much too

 ex1) We're far too poor for windows.

 ex2) I can understand a delay of one, or two days, but an entire week is far too long!

 ex3) far too tall / far too ugly / far below

25. Step around (something) ~를 피해 들어가다, ~의 주위를 걸어가다

 ex) Step around and come in. → 어서 들어오세요.

26. I couldn't impose. [polite] 그럴 순 없어.

 = I don't want to bother you.

 =I don't want to make you do more work.

27. Rubbish. [의역] 무슨 그런 말을!

 n. 쓰레기 a. 매우 나쁜, 가치 없는 v. 맹렬히 비난하다

 ex) Rubbish. We never turn away a hungry soul.

28. Runty : 비정상적으로 작은 동물이나 그 종류 ; 가장 작은 돼지 새끼

 ex) Pig milk for the runty ones. [의역] 아기들은 돼지 젖을 먹어야지.

29. Rip apart

(1) To complety destroy sth by tearing it into pieces.

 ex1) The child ripped the toy apart.

 ex2) Where she was ripped apart by street dogs.

(2) To criticize someone or something in a harsh or angry way especially by describing weaknesses, flaws, etc

 ex) Critics ripped the author's latest novel apart.

30. Shame (자기가 한 짓에 대해 갖는) 수치심; 창피(할 줄 아는 마음); 애석한 일

 ex) Shame, though. 애석한 일이지.

31. Midwife 산파

32. I'm off. 떠나다 (=leave, depart)

 ex) I'm off to get my first job.

33. lashing 채찍질

 ex) Two lashings an hour. 한 시간에 채찍 질 두번이요.

34. Try something out on somebody :

(성능등을 시험삼아 알아보기 위해) ~에게 테스트 해 보다

 ex) I'm gonna try my sheep call out on you.

35. Bleat (양, 염소 등이) 매애 하고 울다

36. Work out (문제를) 해결하다; (결과를) 산출하다; 일이 진행되어 가다

 ex) This isn't working out.

37. Giddy up 이랴!

38. Apprentice 조수, 수습생, 도제

39. crawl back: to (one) To return to someone in a dejected(기 죽은) or humbled fashion.

 ex) I'm just gonna crawl back to my dad 'cause I'm a loser who can't keep a job.

40. It's a real time-saver. 그게 더 빠르다. (시간을 절약한다.)

41. Executioner 사형 집행인

 ex) We best be heading to work. That's an executioner joke.

42. Rack 고문대

ex) This is the thumb screw, this is the rack.

43. I beg you! 제발 좀 (그만해)!

44. Cackle (불쾌하게) 깔깔 웃다 / 꼬꼬댁 울다

     Yelp (아파서) 꺅 하고 비명을 지르다

45. Abduct 유괴하다

 ex) I've captured the with who abducted those people in the woods, way back to the Hansel and Gretel cold case(미해결 사건).

46. Cranky 짜증을 내는

 ex) Aw, baby's cranky.

47. That's the stuff. 바로 이거지!

 ex) Oh, nothing a few days on the rack won't cure. Oh, that's the stuff.

48. Reprieve (사형수의 형 집행 또는 공장 폐쇄 등의 계획을) 취소하다, 유예하다

 ex) Looks like you got a reprieve.

49. Rookie mistake 초보의 실수

50. Splattery : splash with a liquid, typically a thick or viscous one.

 ex) Just think of this as torture, but with a big, splattery finish.

51. Gore : graphic violence, the depiction of particularly vivid and realistic arts of violence and brutality in visual media.

52. All it takes = all that is required, all one needs

 ex) And all it took was some loving banishment(귀양, 유배).

 [의역] 쫒아낸 보람이 있었어.

53. Let's hear it : "성원을 보냅시다."

 ex) Let's hear it for Gary the Grabass.

54. Snatch : 유괴하다, 와락 붙잡다, 잡아채다

 ex) Please put your hands together in prayer for the people-snatching witch!

55. holdup 지체, 정체

 ex) What's the holdup? 뭘 꾸물대는거야?

56. solemn 침통함, 근엄함

 ex) This is a goddamn solemn occasion, so shut the hell up, all right?

57. Compassion 연민, 동정심

 ex) You guys, have some compassion and respect here.

58. (Something) to remember (someone) : ~를 생각 나게 하는 ~

 ex) At least give us something to remember you by,

59. Stay sharp. 정신 차려라, 정신 줄 놓지 마라.

→ prevent your brain from being slow and practice by 'exercising' your brain with activities that make you think a lot.

60. hag 쭈그렁 할망구.

ex) That's my little girl, everyone. Murdering that hag.

61. Make way for ~ : ~에게 길을 열어주다, ~ 나가십니다

 ex) Make way for the loser.

62. Triple-threat 삼진 아웃

63. Wind up : 마무리 짓다, ~한 상황에 처하게 되다

 ex) arrive or end up in a specified state, situation, a place.

64. Hit the bottom of the barrel

 →“to use the least desirable elements” (because one has no choice), as in Bringing up that minor legal point proves that you're scraping the bottom of the barrel .

 ex) I've hit the bottom of the barrel.

65. Be cut out for : ~ 에 적합 하여

 ex) Maybe I'm just not cut out for the high-pressure lifestyle of the big city.

66. Hop around 팔짝 팔짝 뛰다

 Stomp 쿵쿵거리며 걷다; 발을 구르며 춤추다

 demented 미친듯이 구는; 정신 이상인

 cf) dement : 이성을 빼앗다, 미치게 하다, 발광하게 하다

 ex) Then he cried, kicked that rock, hopped around in pain, then stomped angrily down this trail, where this demented squirrel stole his shoe.

67. nappy 기저귀

 ex) If you're refering to my nappy, it's actually war pants.

68. Give away the game (계획 등을) 들키다

→ To reveal something that was meant to be kept secret, expecially plan.

→ To reveal a plan or strategy.

ex1) Don't give away the game.

ex2) Now, all you have to keep quiet. If you keep giving out hints, you'll give the game away.

69. dummkopt = stupid person

70. Has anyone else come by here today? 오늘 누가 왔었나요?

71. Make yourself comfortable. 편히 쉬세요.

72. in time : 딱 맞춰서 ,시간 맞춰(punctually)

 ex) You're just in time for supper.

73. wuss out : 쫄다, 겁먹다(=puss out)

→ To fail to participate in something because of moral or social misgivings or due to lack of courage.

 ex) Don't wuss out.

74. Fair and square : 공명 정대하게, 정정당당하게, 당당히

 →with absolute accuracy. honestly and straight forwardly.

 ex) You killed these mentally ill siblings fair and square.

75. As rewarding as it is to -v : ~ 하는 것도 보람 차지만

     Nothing feels better than -ing : ~ 하는 것 만큼 좋은 건 없다

 ex) As rewarding as it is to kill people, nothing feels better than sparing the life of one innocent person.

76. ordeal : 시련

→ very unpleasant and prolonged experience.

 ex) It's been a horrible ordeal.

77. solace 위로

 ex) But my one solace is knowing I can return, to my beautiful candy home.

78. Not that you care about what I think. 내가 생각하는건 상관없잖아.
